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Renting vs. Owning

Khalid Ichaoui
3 Feb
Renting or Owning

Renting vs. Owning

The ongoing debate between renting and owning a home has long been a topic of discussion among prospective homeowners in the UK. In this blog post, we'll explore the advantages and disadvantages of each option, and introduce you to Jrny, a potential middle ground bridging the gap between renting and owning.


Renting offers tremendous amount of flexibility. If the need to move arises, you can do so without the hassle and financial burden of selling a property. Whether you fancy living and exploring different areas, or your job means you need to move around, renting is not only an appealing choice but also highly practical.

Renting also comes with lower upfront costs, as it typically requires only a 6-week deposit (compared to 5% or 10% deposits when buying). This is particularly beneficial in urban areas where property prices are high. Typically, renters are also not responsible for major maintenance costs, making it a more affordable choice for many.

However, renting is not without its downsides. One of the key drawbacks is the potential lack of long-term stability, as landlords may choose to make changes that require tenants to move, disrupting their life. Landlords can also impose restrictions on what you can and cannot change, or whether you can have pets, making it difficult to truly make a home your own.


Homeownership can offer a sense of stability and long-term financial security. With each mortgage payment you make, the equity you have in the property increases. This equity can serve as a valuable asset, and can help cover significant life expenses if required, such as sending your children to university or funding your retirement. Owning a home also allows you to make any changes you want and really customize it to your personal style and preferences.

Owning a home comes with its share of challenges too. The most significant barrier for many is the substantial upfront costs, including the deposit and closing costs. It’s important to note, during the initial years of homeownership, a significant portion of mortgage payments goes toward interest, which means it can take a considerable amount of time before you accrue any substantial equity. Moreover, homeowners are responsible for property maintenance and repairs, as well as ground rent / service charges, which can add to the overall cost of owning a home.

Is there a better way?

At Jrny, we believe there is. We're pioneering a third option that combines the flexibility of renting with the advantages of homeownership. A spin on tradition rent-to-own schemes, Jrny allows you to rent your dream home, build equity and buy it when you’re ready. Each month, you’ll pay rent and equity contributions which reward you with 1% at the end of each year. The equity you build grows in line with the property value.

Learn more about how Jrny can help you achieve your homeownership goals while enjoying the flexibility of renting on

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